Therapy for Pregnancy

Two pink lines. SO many feelings.

Every woman’s experience is unique. Maybe you are struggling with a difficult pregnancy, feeling like no one understands why you aren’t “glowing.” Scary words like “high risk” ring in your ears. No wonder it feels difficult to connect to your pregnancy or enjoy the process like others seem to.

Or, maybe you are enjoying a healthy pregnancy, but you are internally grappling with complex feelings about your budding new identity as a mom-to-be. You know that everything is about to change, and you wonder if you are ready.

Perhaps as the third trimester approaches and you are planning for your baby’s arrival, the thought of labor and delivery scares you. It brings up fears about your body, your baby and your ability to get through it. 

The life inside you is not the only one that is changing, growing and stretching. 

This can feel like the longest 10 months of your life—but it doesn’t have to be the hardest.

During pregnancy, you may experience anxiety, depression, panic, an adjustment disorder or other pregnancy-related mental health challenge. The risk of developing one of these disorders can be higher if you have experienced previous pregnancy loss, infertility or are suffering a high-risk pregnancy. Our trained and Certified Perinatal Mental Health Providers can help you navigate your pregnancy and prepare you for a healthy adjustment to postpartum.



Time to exhale. Contact us for a complimentary consultation to learn more about how we can serve you - right where you are..

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