Therapy for Life Transitions
“How did I get here?”
Your life was going in one direction and now everything feels different. Whether you are celebrating or grieving, starting our or starting over; whether it is a change you wanted or dreaded, a surprise or unexpected, life transitions can be disorienting. With every big change, important things within and around you change as well: your community, your relationships, your identity and sense of direction for your life. This can leave you feeling lost and disconnected, awkward and uncomfortable in your own skin. You keep telling yourself that transitions are normal, hoping that you can just keep moving forward. And yet, here you are. Stuck.
We can help you find your way again.
During major life transitions such as a breakup, job change, loss of a loved one, empty nesting, or other big change, you might experience an adjustment disorder, grief, anxiety or other mental health challenge. Working with one of our therapists can help you navigate life transitions while regaining your emotional well-being.
Time to exhale. Contact us for a complimentary consultation to learn more about how we can serve you - right where you are..
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